Monday, November 13, 2006


I have watched this movie more than 5 times. Tara had never seen it before, so we rented it. I believe this movie is one of the "overlooked fabulous". I suppose that aspects of this film may be too strange for "ma and pa average folk". I dont think that people should be afraid of this movie. I think that this movie is postmodern, although that term is commonly regarded as being empty or problematicly vague. Don't concern yourself with words--the film is good.

The movie's biggest strength is a creepy, mysterious vibe that is best described (to my best knowledge) as indebted to Alfred Hitchcock. I have not done my research on this film, but I think Altman is a director with attitude. I really do recommend this 'sleeper hit' to anyone who likes Po-Mo films. Tara was initially suspicious but she came around. I think she liked it because Woopie was in it.

Rating: 8 out of 8 slices

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